Saturday, August 8, 2009

Forgiveness - 'Nothing is Wasted' #tls09

The following is my 'take away' from the presentation given by Wess Stafford at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit 2009


Pain can be the catalyst for everything. How does a person use pain and hurt for good?  

Look at your life as a beautiful tapestry.  So many of us spend our time looking at the wrong side!  Stop looking at the back with all the knots and the loose threads - the 'mess' of it’s making – look at the other side. There you can see the beautiful work that God is doing with your life, using the things you’ve been through to create an image of his kingdom here on earth.

Terrible things can happen when children are set at the lowest priority.  I’ve certainly experience that in my own life.  But there is tremendous power that is released when you forgive.  Just get it out, push it out of your heart.  Release the ‘junk’.  Say to those that hurt you ‘You took yesterday – you can’t have tomorrow.  I choose to forgive you.’

Remember, no experience is wasted.  God takes everything you have, takes all the junk and all the pain all the craziness, and orchestrates it into something BEAUTIFUL for the kingdom.  Nothing is wasted, EVERTHING can be redeemed.

Reading recommendation: ‘To Small to Ignore’ by Wess Stafford

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